Performance CV

date location venue event notes media
[06/05/2010] Olympia, WA The Capitol Theater Eye Candy Animation Festival soundtracks for Davis Limbach’s “Max Loop”, “Strider Loop”, “Lungheart Loop”, “Round Ribbon Loop”, “Horde Loop”, and “Sent Loop” pamphlet:
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[04/24/2009] Olympia, WA The Capitol Theater Shot to the Face Film Competition curator, host photographs
[03/08/2008] Olympia, WA The Capitol Theater Shot to the Face Film Competition curator photographs
[00/00/0000] Seattle, WA PNWHS Film Competition entrant – “The Infinity Zone”
[11/06/2004] Bellingham, WA American Museum of Radio and Electricity NW Projections Film Festival entrant – “He’s Dead Frank”, winner 2nd Place Judge’s Category, 2nd Place People’s Choice
Electro-Acoustic Performances
date location venue performance notes media
[00/00/2011] Olympia, WA The Evergreen State College “Function Forest” 4 channel playback. Arp 2600/MuRF
w/ Michaud Savage, Tod Davies, Arun Chandra, Ben Kamen, Ben Kapp, Austin Freese, others
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[04/11/2009] Olympia, WA The Evergreen State College “~” autonomous Buchla 200e patch screenprint
[00/00/0000] Olympia, WA The Evergreen State College w/ Jon Preece nord bass synth w/ live drums and midi scales
[00/00/0000] Bellingham, WA The Evergreen State College w/ Kris Geffen duet for max/msp
[00/00/0000] Olympia, WA The Blue House “Ikizukuri”, w/ Reid Urban and Zach Kreinik modular synth, visual projections
[00/00/0000] Seattle, WA The Evergreen State College “” w/ Jordan Whilcott max subdivisions, samples, vdrums Max/MSP patcher
[10/31/2008] Olympia, WA The Spot w/ The Night Rippers nord keyboards and midi samplers
[00/00/0000] Olympia, WA The Mods w/ The Night Rippers nord keyboards and midi samplers
Humans Performances
date location venue performance notes media
[01/08/2010] Olympia, WA The China Clipper w/ Malicious Discharge, Mangled Bohemians
[00/00/0000] Olympia, WA The Mermaid House w/ Willy Smart secret cafe
[05/19/2010] Olympia, WA The Royal w/ Baker London, Centralia College
[05/00/2010] Olympia, WA The Stump House w/ Aba Kole, Elanor Murray, Honeycomb acoustic set
[01/13/2010] Olympia, WA The Eagle’s Hall w/ Malicious Discharge
[12/30/2009] Olympia, WA The Eagle’s Hall w/ Malicious Discharge
[10/24/2009] Olympia, WA The Blue House w/ Chung Antique, Congratulations, others photograph
[00/00/0000] Olympia, WA The Aquarium  w/ Chung Antique
[00/00/0000] Olympia, WA House Show Westside Artswalk
[00/00/0000] Olympia, WA House Show
[07/31/2009] Olympia, WA Le Voyeur w/ Rainstick Cowbell, Drone Machine
[06/13/2009] Olympia, WA Ballyhoo w/ Handful of Luvin’, DJ Pondermonkey photograph
[05/16/2009] Bellingham, WA House Show w/ Chris Collison and Dan Everson
[10/31/2009] Olympia, WA The Spot Old Olympic Halloween party
[04/18/2009] Olympia, WA The Spot w/ Malicious Discharge, Logos photograph
[03/08/2008] Olympia, WA The Capitol Theater w/ Google Maps, The Tasteful Nudes